The Crane Wife

On feathers and healing

Deidre Delpino Dykes
The Narrative
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2020


Photo by Vincent van Zaling via Unsplash

The Crane Wife is a Japanese folk tale. The version I know is that a man finds an injured crane at his doorstep and nurses it back to health. After it flies away, a woman shows up and the two fall in love and marry. In order to make ends meet, she offers to weave wondrous garments out of silk for them to sell, but she tells her husband he must never watch her weaving. He pushes her to weave more…



Deidre Delpino Dykes
The Narrative

Maryland Birdmancer, queer, speculative fiction author/editor, TTRPG player/GM, actually just three birds in a trench coat.